Nanomolecule, Titanium dioxide, Induces Breast Cancer Metastasis in Animal Models by Disrupting Vascular Endothelial Cadherens

Colten Watson Nanomedicine is a relatively new application of nanotechnology. Nanoparticle are used to carrier and deliver a therapeutic payload to cancerous cells in the tissue. A fundamental issue with nanomedicine is that although the benefits have been well documented and studied, several nanoparticles in therapeutic use have been shown…

The Role of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Hydrogels in Facilitating and Promoting Angiogenesis in Response to Ischemia

Kevin Varghese  Introduction. Ischemia is the blockage of arterial supply to live tissue, and prolonged ischemia leads to various types of tissue necrosis1,2, which occurs in response to the release of cytokines. Angiogenesis is a response to ischemia, which is the growth of new vasculature. This process helps replenish the…
Cardiology Stem Cells

Polyphenols Epigenetic Effects on Skin Cancer Prevention

Trang Tran Introduction. Skin cancer is the leading cancer diagnosed each year in the US.1,5 It has taken a toll on US economy costing $8.1 billion dollars in the US for skin cancer treatment.1,5 There is a number of risk factors that increasing one’s susceptibility for skin cancer: phenotypic markers…
Cancer Nutrition