Role of Mechanical Forces on Clinical Small Diameter Vascular Graft Tissue Engineering
Wesley Hejl
Introduction: Coronary artery disease is a disease involving lipid deposition both intracellularly and extracellularly in the walls of the coronary arteries of the heart1. This disease is a leading cause of death of death both in the United States and worldwide1. The disease progression is well researched and results from initial endothelial injury2. Current treatments include stenting and bypass grafting with autologous venous grafts. Current grafting techniques face several challenges including compliance mismatching, and clotting3. Developing a small diameter vascular graft via tissue engineering techniques could provide a novel clinical solution. Mechanical forces have been shown to play a major role in developing small diameter arteries similar to those found in vivo. Methods: Mef2b-Nox1 was explored as a possible signaling pathway of importance in mechanotransduction4. The role of cyclic mechanical forces play ion growing patent small diameter vascular grafts was assessed by imposing different mechanical forces on developing grafts in bioreactors. The role of both uniaxial and biaxial forces on graft development were assessed5. The effects of different frequencies of cyclic straining on cytoskeletal rearrangement in smooth muscle cells as well as endothelium was assessed6. Changes in the histological and mechanical properties of grafts due to biaxial vs uniaxial stretch was assessed using light microscopy and various mechanical techniques such as the opening angle5. Augmenting current grafting techniques using electrospinning technology was considered after its success as a short term scaffold7. Results: MEF2b-Nox1 was shown to be increased cells experiencing increased mechanical stress similar to that caused by hypertension. The increase in MEF2-Nox1 signaling corresponded with increased reactive oxygen species in the cell4. Changing the frequency of mechanical forces on developing grafts showed a frequency dependence on vascular graft remodeling. Increasing the frequency of cyclic force increases the activity of RhoA and Rac1 causing an increase in cytoskeletal rearrangement6. In biaxial cyclic stretch, histological studies showed increased mature elastin and collagen deposition. Mechanical studies showed a decreased toe region and compliance similar to those found in native vessels5. Electrospun scaffolds show potential for increased cell infiltration shown by graft patency and ECM deposition in implanted scaffolds in the sheep model8. Conclusions: The intracellular mechanisms for mechanotransduction of axial and circumferential force are still unclear and remain to be elucidated. Use of cyclic stretch in bioreactors is promising technology that could lead to clinically useful grafts. Pairing with electrospun scaffolds shows possibilities for efficacy.
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