TNF-alpha Effects on the WNK-SPAK-NCC Pathway in Salt-Sensitive Hypertension
Ethan Zinsmeister
Introduction. Hypertension is a prominent disease in the United States and the world with over 45% of adults in the United States being hypertensive and hypertension being the leading cause of death and disability in the world.1,2 Salt-sensitive hypertension is a type of hypertension defined as “changes in blood pressure that parallels changes in salt intake”.2 The immune system, specifically proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha, interferon-gamma, and interleukin-1B, have been found to contribute to the development of hypertension, but the mechanism is unclear.1,3 The WNK-SPAK-NCC pathway is responsible for reabsorption of sodium in the kidney and is regulated by the ligase NEDD4-2 which degrades WNK1.4 Methods. The effects of TNF-alpha on this pathway were studied using mouse models of chronic kidney disease that were fed normal or high salt diets.4 The kidneys of these mice were then stained to determine if there were proinflammatory cytokines present.4 Results. The mice fed high salt diets had statistically higher systolic blood pressures than those fed normal diets, and TNF-alpha was found to be increased in the high salt diet fed mice. TNF-alpha increased the amount of WNK1 present to phosphorylate SPAK and NCC so more sodium was reabsorbed leading to salt-sensitive hypertension.4 It was found that TNF-alpha increases the amount of WNK1 by inhibiting the expression of NEDD4-2 so more WNK1 is present.4 The TNF-alpha inhibitor etanercept was administered to the mice and it was found to reverse the actions that TNF-alpha had on the mice: the systolic blood pressure decreased significantly, the amount of phosphorylated WNK, SPAK, and NCC all decreased, and the amount of NEDD4-2 present increased.4 Conclusion. TNF-alpha can be used as a target for salt-sensitive hypertension, however more research needs to be done to limit the inhibition to the kidneys due to the important role TNF-alpha plays in the immune response to infection.4 TNF-alpha can also be used as an indicator for prescribing thiazide diuretics to treat salt-sensitive hypertension as patients with TNF-alpha induced hypertension have been found to respond well to these drugs.4 Further study of this mechanism, and other mechanisms that lead to the development of salt-sensitive hypertension, needs to be done so more targeted therapeutics can be developed. Currently the medications available for salt-sensitive hypertension work to control the symptoms, but if we knew more about the root cause, then we could target it better.5
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